Golang: Write data to file

Writing data to file is the most common use case while writing a program.  Here we are going to see multiple ways of writing data to file.  

Write using ioutil.WriteFile

You can directly write data to file using ioutil.WriteFile" method. It will take care of creating file if the file does not exists.

package main

import (

func main() {
	writeStringToFile("data.txt", "Hello File!!!")

func writeStringToFile(filePath string, data string) {

	//Need to convert string to byte array.
	//WriteFile will create and write data to file, if file does not exists.
	err := ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, []byte(data), 0644)

func checkNLogError(err error){
	if err != nil {

Write using WriteString

You need to create a file first, using the same file pointer we can write string to file.

package main

import (

func main() {
	writeStringToFile("data.txt", "Hello File!!!")

func writeStringToFile(filePath string, data string) {

	//Create a file to write data.
	f, err := os.Create(filePath)

	//If there is error to write to file, exit.

	//Once file is opened, it should be closed.
	//Defer will take care of it, even if any error.
	defer f.Close()

	//Write data to file.
	_, err2 := f.WriteString(data)

	//Check if there is any error during writing data to file.

func checkNLogError(err error){
	if err != nil {

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