Unable to load CorelDrw.dll. Error Code : 998

You may get the error "Unable to load CorelDrw.dll. Error Code : 998" when you are trying to launch the Corel Draw.
This problem appears when you have installed "searchqu" application on your system. You may not have intentionally installed this application, it may be part of some freeware getting installed.
Go to Add/Remove programs in the control panel. In Add/Remove program list find the "searchqu" application and uninstall it. Try launching the Corel Draw now. This should resolve the problem.
Update: If you don't have "searchqu" installed,  check if you have "iliveid" installed, it also does the same. If iliveid is installed uninstall it. 


  1. thanks a lot and it works

  2. Trar de Revo Unistaller Cómo Sé sugiere, Pero no funcionó - yo todavia estába Recibiendo "No Se Puede cargar Coreldrw.dll (y Corelppt.dll): Error 998".

    Me di Cuenta de Que El Problema surgio Por Primera Vez Despues De Haber Instalado "iliveid" con el fin de ver el rugby En Directo Por Internet (y el Proceso also sí Instala "searchqu").

    Despues De Haber desinstalado iliveid y searchqu, Corel Graphics Suite X6 Comenzo A Trabajar Otra Vez!

    CUIDADO programa gratuito es Todo lo Que puedo decir!


  3. the thing is that I don't have searchqu installed and still coreldrw.dll error998 appears. someone who knows what should I do?

    1. Check if you have installed iliveid, it also does the same. If iliveid is installed uninstall it.

  4. Grande botija!!, you saved my morning!

  5. i dont av ilivid or searchqu installed and am still having the same probelm..please any solution

  6. Well I didn't find either of searchqu or ilivid or whatever its called on my programs' list but I did found some sort of search engine software that was installed at about the period I last used coreldraw. I uninstalled it without any hesitation and bam, corel loaded!...thanks a lot administrator. I needed to complete a job and was on this dll matter for over 3 hrs till I found your blog

  7. It's been a week and the problem stays. I don't have searchqu or the other program you've mentioned. I have done a system restore to a previous point close to when Corel was working to make sure a windows update isn't interfering with it. I've un-installed, re-installed, restarted. Done almost about everything I've come across on the internet as solution to the problem. The error continues to show. I need help urgently. God loads to do.


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