Unable to find a 'userdata.img' file for ABI armeabi to copy into the AVD folder

While working with Android 4.0 and later you may face this error. This error appears when you try to create the AVD for Android 4.0 or later. 
Root cause of the error is that you have not downloaded the "ARM EABI v7a System Image" while downloading the Android SDK. 

In order to resolve the error, launch the Android SDK manager. Install the "ARM EABI System Image" for the Android version that you are using. 
Once the "ARM EABI System Image" is installed, go ahead and create the AVD.


  1. Replies
    1. Wait for complete list to load by the SDK manager and check under Android 4.0 or later for "ARM EABI System Image".

  2. I have the ARM EABI v7a System Image installed and still get the same error, I've tried deleting it and reinstalling with no joy,

    Any thoughts please?


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